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Νικόλαος Κούτσιας

Koutsias Nikolaos

Professor of Environmental Informatics, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems

1st floor
(+30) 26410-74201
Undergraduated Studies

Department of Environmental Studies, University of Aegean (1993)

Ph.D. Thesis

Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for the Spectral Evaluation and Mapping of Burned Surfaces in Mediterranean Ecosystems

Research Interests
  • Remote sensing, Geographical information systems & Spatial analysis
  • Applications on wildland fires, natural disasters and landscape ecology
  • Applied multivariate methods
  • Geostatistics and point pattern analysis with special emphasis on spatio-temporal analysis of wildland fire ignition points
  • Positional uncertainty and data modeling
Selected Publications
  • N. KOUTSIAS, M. PLENIOU. 2015. Comparing the spectral signal of burned surfaces between Landsat-7 ETM+ and Landsat-8 OLI sensors. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(14): 3714-3732
  • KOUTSIAS, N., G. XANTHOPOULOS, D. FOUNDA, F. XYSTRAKIS, F. NIOTI, M. PLENIOU, G. MALLINIS, M. ARIANOUTSOU. 2013. On the relationships between forest fires and weather conditions in Greece from long-term national observations (1894-2010). International Journal of Wildland Fire 22:493-507
  • KOUTSIAS N, ARIANOUTSOU M, KALLIMANIS AS, MALLINIS G, HALLEY JM, DIMOPOULOS P. 2012. Where did the fires burn in Peloponnisos, Greece the summer of 2007? Evidence for a synergy of fuel and weather. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 156: 41-53
  • MALLINIS N, KOUTSIAS N, TSAKIRI-STRATI M, KARTERIS M. 2008. Object-based classification of a Quickbird high spatial resolution imagery for delineating forest vegetation polygons in a Mediterranean test site. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 63(2): 237-250
  • KOUTSIAS N, KARTERIS M, CHUVIECO E. 2000. The use of intensity-hue-saturation transformation of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data for burned area mapping. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66(7): 829-839
  • KOUTSIAS N, KARTERIS M. 1998. Logistic regression modeling of multitemporal Thematic Mapper data for burned area mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(18): 3499-3514